Why Sustainable Business Means Success: – A Complete Guide

A sustainable business is one where the impact on the environment is minimized. They have a sustainable triple bottom line with Social Equity, Environmental Protection, and Economic Development as their objectives.

Also widely known as a green business, a sustainable business suggests that the business does not negatively impact the environment.

This means a sustainable business considers sustainability – the people and the planet – alongside profits as its objectives.

This can be applied to companies that are sustainable for the local and global community.

Sustainability is a concept that is becoming more and more important in our society. It’s not just about being environmentally conscious, but also about being socially responsible.

Sustainability is not just about going green or recycling your trash – it’s about making sure that you are taking care of the planet in every aspect of your life.

In this article, we will explore what sustainability means and why it matters. We will also take a look at how you can make your business more sustainable in various aspects such as energy, food, water, and waste.

What is Sustainability and Why Does it Matter?

Sustainable Business to combact Climate Change

There is no denying that there are some huge problems on our planet, such as climate change and sustainable solutions. These issues will impact everyone, including the way we live.

Sustainability is a concept that has been around for a long time. It is about ensuring that the current generation does not deplete the resources of future generations.

Sustainability can also be defined as an organization’s ability to maintain or increase its long-term profitability and competitiveness while reducing its impact on the environment.

Being sustainable is not just about saving the environment, but it is also about saving money and saving time.

There are many ways in which a business can achieve sustainability, but there are some things that they should avoid like using too much energy, wasting resources, and polluting the environment.

Some ways a business can reduce its costs are by using less energy, recycling resources, and outsourcing work.

Some other things a business should avoid are wasting raw materials, pollution and overconsumption.

A sustainable business must constantly be mindful of the consequences of its actions on the environment.

Sustainable businesses must be mindful of their use of resources. They will want to reduce their consumption and find new ways to use recycled materials.

Although a sustainable business is careful with its consumption, it should not remove the items from production; instead, it should find ways to reuse or recycle them in order to reduce waste and overconsumption.

A green business has a low environmental footprint because it reduces its carbon emissions, uses less energy and water, recycles more than 50 % of materials, and has a low negative impact on the environment.

These kinds of businesses are careful with their consumption.

Definitional Construct of a Successful Business 

Sustainable Business

It’s important to start with a definition of what business success means before moving forward.

The definition of a successful business is something that each individual may have their own opinion on.

The success of a business can be described as achieving stated goals and objectives. Thus, a successful business model is one that’s able to achieve its desired outcomes.

One of the most debated topics in business today is a success. The topic has both normative and desirable outcomes and these are what we should be focusing on as a society.

Business is an important part of our society. Traditional views on success should be questioned. There needs to be a greater focus on values and ethics in the workplace and environmental practices when conducting business.

Business success for over 70 years has mostly been a measure of profits paid out to shareholders and the increase in the company’s value.

An instance of this is where the most successful listed firms are seen as those that manage to both provide financial returns to investors in addition to serving their customers.

This focus of businesses on just economic performance rather than on social or environmental performance and how it impacts their bottom line, has resulted in and contributed to many well-known financial, social, and environmental problems.

Sustainable Business

Researchers have noticed that many businesses fail to prosper because they focus on making more money instead of focusing on good business practices that better the company as a whole.

Experts in management are encouraging businesses to rely on sustainable business practices that will succeed at all scales of reality

The three main levels of reality are the macro, which refers to society’s financial infrastructure. The meso level contains organizations, and the micro level is made up of individual people.

Success is multidimensional and can’t be defined by one criterion.

Businesses should have a broad range of aims and objectives in order to be sustainable and profitable. Achieving these goals will allow them to maintain the status of a sustainable business

Socially sustainable businesses are closer to being successful businesses by aligning their definition of success with the general opinion in other disciplines.

What are the Key Characteristics of a Business that Pursues Sustainability?

Sustainable Businesses Focus on ESG

A sustainable business is one that is profitable, ethical, and environmentally conscious. In order to be a sustainable business, there are six steps that must be taken.

The first step to being a sustainable business is to be willing to change.

A sustainable business must be willing to change its practices and work with the environment. It must also be willing to invest in the future by creating more sustainable products, services, and processes.

The second step is to set goals for sustainability and track progress. The goals should include short-term, medium-term, and long-term goals.

The third step is to create a plan for sustainability. This plan should include evaluating risks and opportunities. It also includes ways that you can measure your progress on your goals as well as how you will measure the success of your plan in general.

The fourth step is to create an action plan for sustainability which includes developing new practices that are more environmentally friendly and reducing or eliminating inefficient or harmful practices.

The fifth step in becoming a sustainable business is taking action on your plans by implementing them into the workplace and making sure they are successful there too before starting any new projects or programs.

Lastly, it’s important to measure the success of your strategies and make sure they are successful.

This strategy is very broad, but it includes creating an action plan for sustainability which includes developing new practices that are more environmentally friendly and reducing or eliminating inefficient or harmful practices.

Importantly, it should be noted that a sustainable business is one that aims to minimize the negative environmental and social impacts of its operations and product use.

Thus, sustainability is not only about making sure that your company’s operations are sustainable but also about being a good citizen in your community.

In this context, we can identify the key characteristics of a sustainable business which include but are not limited to:

Being environmentally conscious:

  • Reduce: minimize waste by reducing material consumption and Making sure that natural resources are used wisely and at sustainable levels
  • Reuse: use materials again in order to reduce consumption of new products. Finding better ways to produce products without destroying the environment
  • Recycle: reuse products or materials by recycling them into new products, minimizing the need for extraction of raw materials from natural sources
  • Renewable Energy: use renewable energy instead of fossil fuels for power generation
  • Reduce Carbon Footprint: reduce greenhouse gas emissions through reduced consumption, production, and transportation

Being socially responsible:

  • Ethical responsibility – abiding by the recognized ethical behavior
  • Fair treatment of all stakeholders: suppliers, employees, and customers
  • Philanthropic responsibility: making the world and society better

Being economically responsible:

  • Ensure the business is profitable for its shareholders.

Sustainable businesses tend to be successful

Sustainable Businesses Model Tends to be Successful

Successful sustainable businesses are those that focus on the environment and the well-being of their employees.

They have a strong sense of responsibility towards their business, community, and society.

Sustainable businesses are successful businesses because they understand the importance of long-term, sustainable growth.

They also have a vision for the future and know what their customers want.

Businesses are more successful when they take sustainability into account. They are able to make better decisions about the environment, their employees, and their customers.

This can lead to long-term success because sustainable companies focus on providing value to all stakeholders in the business ecosystem.

Sustainable investments are not just another cost. They are essential for a company’s continued success in the business world.

As the debate on this issue escalates, it’s crucial that society and corporations are aware of the increasing problem. There is an escalation of concern over modern world challenges.

More importantly, the idea that we should actively isolate business from society is increasingly becoming outdated and we recognize that having both economic and social objectives is important. Separating economic and social goals as different entities isn’t realistic.

Research has shown that on average, companies that have a better reputation earn more money. For example, corporate earnings per share (EPS) have been found to be associated with sustainability reporting.

This experience positively affected stakeholders’ perceptions of the company, which can have a positive impact on their opinions about the company’s honesty.

These findings indicate that earnings per share (EPS) which is influenced by stakeholders’ perception of corporations have an association with sustainability reporting through the measure of GRI which further influences the perceptions of stakeholders.

In this context, a business’ profits can be significantly affected by whether or not it experiences a strike.

For example, if the company offers unfair retrenchment conditions and someone strikes for that reason, sales or revenue will diminish as stakeholders may have negative perceptions about the company due to negative publicity.

Furthermore, a study published in the MIT Sloan Management Review found:

  • Sustainable companies are more likely to take measured risks in order to achieve sustainability while traditional companies take a more extremely less sustainable route.
  • About72% of sustainability-focused businesses have leaders that are willing to take measured risks in order to succeed, whereas only 40% of traditional companies do.
  • Sustainable businesses learn from the outside world to deeply understand the situation and problems that are going on in society. They tend to encourage their staff to take on new knowledge from outside the company.
  • Sustainable businesses are more likely to advocate sustainable initiatives in their supply chain than traditional businesses. The study found that about 83% of sustainable businesses push sustainability in their supply chains compared with 20% of the traditional firms
  • Sustainable businesses take sustainability metrics into consideration during capital budgeting and pay attention to financial risks that are outside of their business. They set clear objectives and integrate these factors into their long-term planning.
  • The study also found that 90% of sustainable businesses typically ensure that their goals are being met by having sustainable programs in place compared with 10% of traditional firms.


Sustainable businesses are successful businesses. This is because they know that the future lies in sustainable practices and they are willing to invest in them.

This long-term vision means they take care of their employees and the environment, and they are profitable.

Successful sustainable businesses have a good understanding of what the future holds and are willing to invest in it. They have a long-term vision, which helps them make decisions that will help them grow.

This article has discussed some of the main aspects that make sustainable businesses successful. The key is to find out what sustainability means for your business, and then build a plan to achieve it.