5 Positive Impacts of Refurbished Computers on the Environment

Refurbished computers provide an excellent way to reduce the environmental impact of our technology.

Not only are refurbished computers cheaper than buying new ones, but they also have numerous positive impacts on the environment.

By refurbishing used computers, we can save precious resources, reduce emissions, and help create a more sustainable future.

From reducing e-waste to preserving energy and conserving natural resources, using renewable parts can help make a big difference in the world.

In a world where electronic waste is a growing concern, more and more people are turning to refurbished computers as a more sustainable option.

Refurbished computers offer several benefits, not only for the buyer but also for the environment.

Making IT going green has been discussed here

In this article, we will explore five positive impacts of refurbished computers on the environment.

Reduced electronic waste

Reducing electronic waste is one of the most significant positive impacts of refurbished computers on the environment.

In the US alone, over 41 million metric tons of electronic waste were generated in 2019, and this number is only expected to grow.

When electronic waste ends up in landfills, it can cause soil and water pollution, leading to health problems for humans and animals alike.

Refurbished computers help to combat this issue by extending the life cycle of electronic devices.

By refurbishing a computer, it not only keeps it from ending up in a landfill but also reduces the need for the production of new devices, which require the extraction of natural resources and energy consumption.

Additionally, the process of refurbishing computers involves safely disposing of any hazardous materials, preventing them from ending up in landfills and causing further damage to the environment.

Overall, the reduction of electronic waste through the refurbishment of computers has a positive impact on the environment by mitigating pollution and reducing the consumption of natural resources.

By choosing refurbished computers over new ones, individuals can contribute to a more sustainable future.

Reduced energy consumption

Another positive impact of refurbished computers on the environment is that they help reduce energy consumption.

The production of new computers requires a significant amount of energy, starting from the extraction of raw materials to the manufacturing process.

This leads to increased greenhouse gas emissions and contributes to climate change.

On the other hand, refurbished computers require much less energy to produce as they already exist and are simply being repurposed.

In fact, the energy required to refurbish a computer is only a fraction of what is needed to produce a new one.

By opting for refurbished computers, you can significantly reduce the energy consumption associated with the production of new computers.

This not only helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions but also conserves natural resources.

Moreover, using refurbished computers also means that fewer new computers need to be produced.

This in turn reduces the energy consumption associated with the transportation and distribution of these products.

Several reputable organizations have already taken initiatives to promote the use of refurbished computers to reduce energy consumption.

For example, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has a program called “Plug-In to eCycling” that encourages consumers and businesses to use refurbished electronics.

This includes computers, to reduce energy consumption and prevent electronic waste.

Lower carbon footprint

When we purchase new computers, we contribute to the greenhouse gas emissions generated during the production process.

From extracting raw materials to transportation and manufacturing, every step in the process contributes to the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

On the other hand, when we purchase refurbished computers, we reduce the need for new production, which means lower emissions.

By choosing to purchase refurbished computers, we can help reduce our carbon footprint and contribute to mitigating the effects of climate change.

With the increasing awareness of environmental issues, it is becoming more and more important to make conscious decisions that can positively impact the environment.


The cost-effectiveness of buying refurbished computers not only benefits individuals but also businesses and organizations.

Large companies and institutions that need to upgrade their technology can save a considerable amount of money by purchasing refurbished computers in bulk.

Additionally, purchasing refurbished computers can also help small businesses and startups save on overhead costs, allowing them to allocate resources towards other important areas of their business.

Overall, the cost-effectiveness of refurbished computers makes them a viable and sustainable option for a wide range of consumers.

Support for a circular economy

Choosing refurbished computers also supports the circular economy model, which aims to reduce waste and promote the reuse of products.

Refurbished computers fit perfectly into this model as they are repurposed and reused instead of being discarded.

By supporting the circular economy, we can reduce the amount of waste we produce and the environmental problems associated with it.

Additionally, refurbishing computers creates job opportunities in the tech industry, as skilled professionals are needed to carry out the refurbishing process.

This not only benefits the environment but also the economy and the workforce.

Overall, choosing refurbished computers is a win-win situation, providing an affordable option while supporting a more sustainable and equitable economy.


In conclusion, refurbished computers have several positive impacts on the environment, from reducing electronic waste to lowering energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.

They are also cost-effective and support a circular economy model.

The choice of refurbished computers over new ones means we can all play a part in creating a more sustainable future.

Here are some reputable organizations and institutions responsible for refurbished electronics and the environment, along with links to their websites:

  1. The Green Electronics Council – a non-profit organization that promotes sustainability in the electronics industry through its EPEAT certification program. Website: https://greenelectronicscouncil.org/
  2. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) – a government agency that works to protect human health and the environment. The EPA has a program called “Plug-In To eCycling” that encourages the recycling and refurbishment of electronics. Website: https://www.epa.gov/recycle/electronics-donation-and-recycling
  3. The Basel Action Network (BAN) – a non-profit organization that works to combat the export of hazardous electronic waste to developing countries. BAN also operates a program called e-Stewards that certifies electronics recyclers who follow environmentally responsible practices. Website: https://www.ban.org/
  4. The United Nations University (UNU) – a global research organization that focuses on sustainable development. UNU has a program called the Solving the E-waste Problem (StEP) Initiative that aims to address the environmental and health impacts of electronic waste. Website: https://step.unu.edu/
  5. The Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries (ISRI) – a trade association that represents companies in the scrap recycling industry. ISRI has a certification program called R2 that ensures responsible electronics recycling practices. Website: https://www.isri.org/