Job Opportunities with a Degree in Environmental Science

Environmental science graduates have a wide range of career opportunities available to them. With the increasing concern over climate change and pollution, the demand for experts in this field is on the rise.

Graduates can work in both the private and public sectors and can choose from a variety of fields such as climate science, biology, soil studies, and more.

Having an environmental science degree can allow an individual to influence public or private policies and educate others on the importance of preserving our ecosystem.

It is a valuable degree that can open doors to many professional possibilities. In this article, we will explore fifteen different career paths that can be pursued with an environmental science degree.

While some roles may require additional education or experience, a degree in environmental science serves as an excellent foundation for those interested in making a positive impact on our planet.

In this article, we will discuss the different types of jobs that a degree in sustainability can lead to, and what qualifications and skills are required to succeed in these roles.

Environmental science Degree Open Doors of Opportunities

Environmental Consultant

Environmental consultants work with businesses and organizations to help them comply with environmental regulations and minimize their impact on the environment.

They may conduct environmental assessments, prepare environmental impact statements, and develop strategies for reducing waste and pollution.

Additionally, Environmental Consultants may also:

·    Conduct site assessments to identify potential environmental hazards and recommend remediation strategies

·       Perform air, water, and soil testing to assess the quality and safety of the environment

·       Provide guidance on compliance with local, state, and federal environmental regulations

·       Develop and implement environmental management systems

·       Conduct environmental audits and inspections to ensure compliance with regulations

·       Analyse and interpret environmental data to evaluate the environmental impact of proposed projects

·       Advise clients on best practices for sustainable resource management and waste reduction -Participate in public meetings and hearings related to environmental issues

·       Prepare and present reports and recommendations to clients, stakeholders, and regulators

·       Stay current on new environmental regulations and industry developments to best advise clients.

Overall, environmental consultants play an important role in protecting the environment and ensuring that businesses and organizations operate in a sustainable and compliant manner. They use their knowledge and skills to help clients navigate complex environmental regulations and minimize negative impacts on the environment.

Energy Manager

Energy managers work to improve the energy efficiency of buildings and industrial processes. They may conduct energy audits, identify opportunities for energy savings, and develop and implement energy management programs.

In this context, Energy Managers may also:

·       Develop and implement energy efficiency plans

·       Analyse energy consumption data to identify areas for improvement

·       Research and evaluate energy-efficient technologies and systems

·       Develop and manage budgets for energy-related projects

·       Implement and monitor energy-saving initiatives and projects

·       Develop and maintain energy management systems

·       Provide training on energy-efficient practices to staff

·       Collaborate with other departments and external organizations to ensure energy efficiency throughout the organization

·       Implement and manage renewable energy projects and initiatives

·       Stay informed about new regulations, technologies, and trends in energy management

·       Develop and maintain relationships with energy suppliers and negotiate contracts

·       Prepare and present energy management reports to senior management and stakeholders.

Generally, energy managers play a crucial role in helping organizations to improve their energy efficiency, reduce costs, and decrease their environmental impact.

They use their expertise in energy management to identify opportunities for energy savings, implement energy-efficient practices, and monitor and report on energy performance.

As the world is moving towards more sustainable energy sources and aiming to decrease carbon emissions, energy management is becoming an increasingly important field.

Sustainability Coordinator

Sustainability coordinators help organizations develop and implement sustainability strategies. They may research, develop policies and programs, and communicate the organization’s sustainability efforts to stakeholders.

In addition, Sustainability Coordinators may also:

·       Identify sustainability risks and opportunities within the organization

·       Develop and implement sustainability policies and procedures

·       Create and manage sustainability-related projects and initiatives

·       Develop and maintain sustainable procurement processes

·       Conduct research and analysis on sustainability trends and best practices

·       Assist in the preparation of sustainability reports and other communications materials

·       Develop and maintain relationships with external stakeholders, including government agencies, non-profit organizations, and other organizations

·       Coordinate sustainability initiatives across different departments and functions

·       Provide training and education on sustainability practices to employees

·       Monitor and report on the organization’s sustainability performance and progress

·       Stay informed of relevant regulations and industry developments related to sustainability

·       Conduct audits and assessments to identify areas of improvement in sustainability.

Sustainability Coordinators play a vital role in making organizations more sustainable and responsible.

They are responsible for developing and implementing sustainable practices, policies, and procedures, and communicating the organization’s sustainability efforts to stakeholders.

Sustainability Coordinators work with different departments and functions within the organization to ensure that sustainability is integrated into all aspects of the organization’s operations.

They are also responsible for monitoring and reporting on the organization’s sustainability performance, staying informed of industry developments, and identifying areas for improvement.

Renewable Energy Engineer

Renewable energy engineers design, develop, and implement renewable energy systems, such as solar, wind, and geothermal systems. They may work in the private sector for renewable energy companies, in the public sector for government agencies, or in the non-profit sector for organizations focused on sustainable energy.

Renewable Energy Engineers may also:

·       Conduct research and development on renewable energy technologies

·       Design and plan renewable energy systems, such as solar panels, wind turbines, and geothermal systems

·       Perform technical analysis to determine the feasibility and optimal design of renewable energy systems

·       Prepare cost estimates and project proposals for renewable energy projects

·       Supervise the construction, installation, and commissioning of renewable energy systems

·       Provide technical support and troubleshoot issues related to renewable energy systems

·       Conduct performance testing and monitoring of renewable energy systems

·       Develop and implement renewable energy policies and programs

·       Stay informed of industry developments and regulations related to renewable energy

·       Provide education and training on renewable energy technologies and systems

·       Develop and implement sustainable procurement policies for renewable energy in companies

·       Conduct assessments and evaluations of renewable energy systems to identify areas for improvement.

Overall, Renewable Energy Engineers play a vital role in designing, developing, and implementing renewable energy systems.

They use their expertise in renewable energy technologies to help communities, organizations, and companies to implement sustainable energy systems, and to develop policies and programs that support the use of renewable energy.

Renewable energy engineering is a rapidly growing field and the demand for professionals with expertise in this area is increasing as more organizations and individuals are becoming conscious of the environmental impact of fossil fuels and looking for sustainable alternatives.

Climate Change Analyst

Climate change analysts study the causes, impacts, and potential responses to climate change. They may work for government agencies, non-profit organizations, or private companies, analysing data and developing strategies to mitigate and adapt to the effects of climate change.

Additionally, Climate Change Analysts may also:

·       Conduct research on the causes, impacts, and potential responses to climate change

·       Develop and implement climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies

·       Analyse and interpret climate change data, including climate models, observational data, and impact assessments

·       Provide technical assistance to communities and organizations on climate change mitigation and adaptation

·       Collaborate with other climate change professionals to develop and implement climate change response strategies

·       Work with government agencies, non-profit organizations, and private companies to promote climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts

·       Develop and implement policies and programs related to climate change mitigation and adaptation

·       Provide education and training on climate change and its impacts to the public and other professionals

·       Stay informed of industry developments and regulations related to climate change

·       Develop and implement sustainable procurement policies that consider the climate change impacts

·       Conduct assessments and evaluations of climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies

Climate Change Analysts play a vital role in understanding the causes, impacts, and potential responses to climate change.

They use their expertise in climate change research to help communities, organizations, and companies to understand the potential impacts of climate change and develop strategies to mitigate and adapt to those impacts.

Climate change analysts work across different sectors such as government, non-profit organizations, and private companies, to study and develop strategies to tackle climate change.

The role of climate change analysts is becoming increasingly important as the world is facing the unprecedented challenges of climate change, and the demand for professionals with expertise in this area is increasing.

Sustainable Transportation Planner

Sustainable transportation planners develop plans and policies to promote sustainable transportation options, such as public transit, biking and walking. They may work for government agencies, non-profit organizations, or private companies.

Sustainable Transportation Planners may also:

·       Conduct research and analysis on sustainable transportation options and trends

·       Develop and implement sustainable transportation plans and policies, such as bike and pedestrian plans, transit-oriented development plans, and complete streets policies

·       Provide technical assistance to communities and organizations on sustainable transportation planning and implementation

·       Collaborate with other transportation and land-use professionals to ensure that sustainable transportation options are integrated into overall planning and development efforts

·       Work with government agencies, non-profit organizations, and private companies to promote sustainable transportation options

·       Develop and implement transportation demand management strategies, such as carpooling and telecommuting programs

·       Conduct public outreach and engagement to gather input on sustainable transportation plans and policies

·       Stay informed of industry developments and regulations related to sustainable transportation

·       Provide education and training on sustainable transportation options and best practices to the public and other professionals

·       Develop and implement sustainable procurement policies for transportation in companies

·       Conduct assessments and evaluations of sustainable transportation plans and policies.

Sustainable Transportation Planners play a vital role in promoting sustainable transportation options and developing plans and policies that support these options.

They use their expertise in sustainable transportation planning to help communities, organizations, and companies implement sustainable transportation options, and to develop plans and policies that support sustainable transportation systems.

As the world population is growing, and the cities are becoming more congested, sustainable transportation is becoming increasingly important, and the demand for professionals with expertise in this area is increasing.

Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems

Sustainable agriculture and food systems professionals work to promote sustainable food production methods and to develop sustainable food systems. They may work for government agencies, non-profit organizations, or private companies.

Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems professionals may also:

·       Conduct research on sustainable agriculture practices and food systems

·       Develop and implement sustainable farming practices, such as crop rotation, conservation tillage, and integrated pest management

·       Develop and implement sustainable food systems, such as local food systems and community-supported agriculture

·       Work with farmers and food producers to promote sustainable practices

·       Develop and implement policies and programs related to sustainable agriculture and food systems

·       Provide education and training on sustainable agriculture and food systems to farmers, consumers, and other stakeholders

·       Conduct assessments and evaluations of sustainable agriculture and food systems

·       Stay informed of industry developments and regulations related to sustainable agriculture and food systems

·       Work with government agencies, non-profit organizations, and private companies to promote sustainable agriculture and food systems

·       Advocate for policies and regulations that support sustainable agriculture and food systems

·       Communicate with stakeholders, such as consumers, farmers, and policymakers, to promote sustainable agriculture and food systems

·       Develop and implement sustainable procurement policies for food products in companies

Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems professionals play a vital role in promoting sustainable food production methods and developing sustainable food systems.

They use their expertise in sustainable agriculture and food systems to help farmers, food producers and organizations implement sustainable practices, and to develop policies and programs that support sustainable food systems.

As the world population is growing, and climate change is affecting food production, sustainable agriculture and food systems are becoming increasingly important, and the demand for professionals with expertise in this area is increasing.

Green Building Professional

Green building professionals design and construct buildings that are energy-efficient, environmentally friendly, and healthy for occupants. They may work as architects, engineers, or construction managers, and may specialize in LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification.

Green Building Professionals may also:

·       Conduct site assessments to identify opportunities for energy and resource efficiency, and environmental protection

·       Design and plan buildings that use less energy and water, and generate less waste and pollution

·       Select and specify environmentally responsible materials and products

·       Collaborate with other design and construction professionals to ensure that green building principles are integrated throughout the building process

·       Implement and oversee the construction process to ensure that it adheres to green building standards

·       Conduct post-occupancy evaluations to measure a building’s performance and identify opportunities for improvement

·       Develop and implement strategies to improve indoor air quality and minimize exposure to toxins and pollutants

·       Promote green building principles to clients, stakeholders, and the general public

·       Stay informed of new technologies, regulations, and industry developments related to green building

·       Provide education and training on green building principles and practices to other professionals and the general public

·       Develop and maintain relationships with industry partners and organizations to promote green building.

Green Building Professionals play a vital role in designing, constructing, and managing buildings that are energy-efficient, environmentally friendly, and healthy for occupants.

They use their expertise in green building principles and technologies to create buildings that use fewer resources, generate less waste and pollution, and promote the health and well-being of the building’s occupants.

They may work as architects, engineers, or construction managers and may specialize in certifications such as LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design).

Green Building is a rapidly growing field, and the demand for professionals with expertise in this area is increasing as more organizations and individuals are becoming conscious of the environmental impact of buildings.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) professionals work to ensure that a company’s operations and policies align with its social and environmental values.

They may develop and implement CSR programs, communicate the company’s sustainability efforts to stakeholders, and report on the company’s sustainability performance.

CSR professionals may also:

·       Develop CSR strategies and action plans that align with the company’s overall business objectives

·       Conduct research and analysis of social and environmental issues related to the company’s operations and industry

·       Implement and manage CSR programs and initiatives

·       Develop and maintain relationships with key stakeholders, such as non-profit organizations, government agencies, and other companies

·       Collaborate with internal departments to ensure that CSR is integrated into all aspects of the organization’s operations

·       Develop and implement communications and public relations strategies to promote the company’s CSR efforts

·       Prepare and present CSR reports and other communications materials to senior management, stakeholders, and the public

·       Stay informed of industry developments and regulations related to CSR

·       Provide training and education on CSR to employees

·       Monitor and report on the company’s CSR performance and progress

·       Identify and assess potential risks and opportunities related to the company’s social and environmental impact

·       Lead or participate in CSR audits and assessments to identify areas for improvement.

CSR professionals play a vital role in ensuring that a company’s operations and policies align with its social and environmental values.

They are responsible for developing and implementing CSR programs, communicating the company’s sustainability efforts to stakeholders, and reporting on the company’s sustainability performance.

CSR professionals work with different departments and functions within the organization to ensure that CSR is integrated into all aspects of the organization’s operations.

They also play an important role in promoting the company’s CSR efforts to external stakeholders, building partnerships, and promoting sustainable practices.

As more companies are becoming conscious of their social and environmental impact, the demand for CSR professionals is increasing.

Sustainable Supply Chain Manager

Sustainable supply chain managers work to ensure that the products and materials a company uses are sourced in a sustainable manner. They may conduct audits, develop sustainability criteria, and communicate with suppliers to promote sustainable practices.

Sustainable Supply Chain Managers may also:

·       Develop and implement sustainable sourcing strategies

·       Conduct supplier assessments and audits to evaluate their environmental and social performance

·       Develop and implement sustainable procurement processes

·       Analyse and report on the environmental and social impacts of the organization’s supply chain

·       Establish and maintain relationships with key suppliers to promote sustainable practices

·       Collaborate with internal stakeholders, such as product development and procurement teams, to ensure sustainable practices are integrated throughout the organization

·       Implement supplier performance monitoring and management systems

·       Develop and implement sustainable logistics and transportation strategies

·       Work with suppliers to improve their sustainability performance and reduce their environmental impact

·       Identify new sustainable products and materials to source

·       Stay informed of industry developments and regulations related to sustainable supply chain management

·       Develop and maintain sustainability reporting and communicate progress to key stakeholders.

Essentially, Sustainable Supply Chain Managers play a crucial role in ensuring that a company’s products and materials are sourced in a sustainable manner.

They are responsible for developing and implementing sustainable sourcing strategies, conducting supplier assessments and audits, and promoting sustainable practices throughout the supply chain.

They work closely with internal and external stakeholders to ensure that sustainable practices are integrated into all aspects of the organization’s operations.

The role of a sustainable supply chain manager is becoming increasingly important as more companies are taking steps to reduce their environmental impact and promote sustainable practices throughout their supply chains.


With a sustainability degree, you have a wide variety of career options available. As the world is becoming more conscious of the environment and the need for sustainable practices, the demand for sustainability professionals will continue to grow in the future. It’s important to have a well-rounded education that combines theory and practical experience, as well as to gain experience through internships or volunteer work in the field.